
Self-Care Sunday

Ultimate Ideas to Relax & Recharge What is a Self-Care Sunday? A self-care Sunday isn’t about extravagance or elaborate plans. It’s simply a day to prioritise taking care of yourself. While Sunday is ideal for many, feel…

Why Drinking Water is Your Body’s Best Friend

Let’s talk about something we all know is important but might not think about enough: water. You probably hear all the time that you need to drink more of it, but do you really know why? I for one, need to make a conscious effort to drink…

Self-Care Ideas: Nurturing Your Well-Being in Everyday Life

Self-care is an essential practice that involves actively taking steps to protect your own well-being and happiness, particularly during periods of stress. It’s about being as kind to yourself as you would be to others. Here are some key…

Why Wellness is important

Why wellness is important In the seriously fast paced world we live in, it’s easy to neglect our own needs as we juggle responsibilities, relationships, and work. However, self-care is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for maintaining…

Top 7 best time management exercises to help you to de-stress

Efficiently managing your time Have a Calendar Now I know that this seems obvious but hear me out. May people have various versions of calendars – such as smart phone, outlook, and written calendar, but condensing down to just 1 will…

Breathing techniques to help you to de-stress

Microbreaks Life is crazy, and when you are juggling everyday life tasks and work, it’s really tricky to find a chunk of time during the day to take time out to simply just rest and recharge. This is where microbreaks are perfect! Microbreaks…

5 quick and easy de-stressing techniques

Life can feel really exhausting at times, especially when you have a seemingly never ending to do list. Work commitments, parenting commitments, house duties, errands, school runs, I could go on and on. Most of us experience or are functioning…